Hartree Centre Training Portal


Looking for FREE training on cutting-edge digital technologies for industry?

Whether you’re looking to get to grips with the basics or searching for new tools and techniques to apply, we support both self-directed online learning as well as face-to-face practical sessions with badge certification available for you to share your new skills with your network. 

We currently offer courses covering a range of advanced digital technologies including:

  • Data Science 
  • Artificial Intelligence and Modelling 
  • High Performance and Exascale Computing 
  • Software Engineering 
  • Emerging Technologies

Full course descriptions and dates for upcoming live sessions are available on our Hartree Centre Training Page.

To enrol, create a FREE account or log in.

Once you have created an account, you can log in and sign up for as many of our courses as you like.

Artificial Intelligence and Modelling

Beginner's Guide to Modelling

The aim of this self-paced course is to give an outline of the use of modelling across various sectors, explain its historical significance, motivate its use and explain the benefits it can offer to organisations. At the same time, the course will…

Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence

AI can play a powerful role across many sectors by enabling businesses of all sizes to generate decision-making insights from their data that can help to innovate, speed up processes and boost efficiency. From predictive maintenance to intelligent…

Beginner’s Guide to Machine Learning and Data Science

This self-paced course will introduce you to some of the techniques of data science and machine learning, and the kind of problems it can solve. It is suitable for all, but will particularly appeal to those managing technical teams, those wishing to…

Beginner's Guide to Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that concerns how human languages interact with computers. NLP has seen some of the most rapid development of any field of AI, resulting in an explosion of research,…

Practical Guide to Uncertainty Quantification: Modelling Real Problems with UQ

Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is a method that supports more reliable decision making across a variety of industries – from healthcare and transport to finance and energy. It enhances the design of services and processes. Aimed at Intermediate…

Practical Guide to DevOps for AI

Do you want to stream-line your automation process of machine learning development using MLOps and improve the collaboration among team members? MLOps stands for Machine Learning Operations and is a core function of Machine Learning engineering.…

Fundamentals of Neural Networks and Deep Neural Networks

Aimed at lerners and independent users, this course in artificial intelligence (AI) and neural networks will take you through some of the practical considerations to make when looking at how neural networks can be used in your business. From…

Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning

Aimed at Independent Users, this course will take you through some of the practical considerations to make when looking at how Reinforcement learning can be used as a decision-making tool.  As well as learning about the different…

Data Science

Beginner's Guide to Data Collection and Preparation

This self-paced course introduces some of the challenges in collecting data such that it can be used effectively in later data analytics projects. It is suitable for all, but will particularly appeal to middle managers and team leaders who would like…

Practical Guide to Machine Learning: Defining Problem Scope and Assessing Model Requirements

Aimed at intermediate learners, this self-paced course will walk you through building a machine learning model from start to finish. From collecting good quality, unbiased data to preparing the data for modelling and exploring some simple machine…

Practical Guide to Mixed Language Programming: Calling C from Python

Aimed at intermediate learners, this course will enable you to combine the simplicity of Python with the speed of C, resulting in speeding up the time to result significantly. Perhaps you want to test a system using Python test tools, or use an…

Fundamentals of Data Science Solutions

Aimed at independent users, this course will guide you through the best metrics for assessing the performance of machine learning models. We’ll illustrate a range of use cases by looking at how we have applied machine learning to challenges…

Beginner's Guide to Geospatial Data

What is Geospatial Data and Analysis? How is it beneficial for my business? What tools are available to help me understand climate risk? This course will provide you with an understanding of geospatial data, the benefits of using such data and…

Practical Guide to Geospatial Data

Do you want to learn how to use massive geospatial data (for example weather, climate and satellite data) to provide insightful information for business operations or planning? Do you want to explore how extreme weather and other climate-change…

Fundamentals of Geospatial Data

Do you want to learn how to use massive geospatial data (for example weather, climate and satellite data) to provide insightful information for business operations or planning? Do you want to explore how extreme weather and other climate-change…

Emerging Technologies

Beginner's Guide to Quantum Computing

Understand where we are today with quantum computing and what the key concepts are. Learn what has historically been possible, what the difference is between classical computing and quantum computing. This is a self-paced course that you can…

Practical Guide to Quantum Computing

Quantum mechanics is a mathematical framework for the development of physical theories. In this course aimed at intermediate users, you will cover some of the more central ideas in quantum computing, to better understand where these ideas…

Fundamentals of Quantum Computing

Do you want to learn about how calculations are performed on quantum computers, with practical examples on simulators and real hardware?  In this course, we will talk about some of the most famous quantum algorithms, along with practical…

IBM course: Real World Internet of Things

Test drive game changing technologies that can be used to change how your business operates with this ‘IoT in the Real World’ course.  Learn and try this game changing technology first hand using IoT devices such as NodeMCU.  Use…

High Performance and Exascale Computing

Beginner's Guide to HPC

HPC systems offer a boost in power and performance and are capable of running calculations much faster than your standard workstation. This means they can solve more complex computational tasks that can ultimately enhance the productivity of your…

Beginner's Guide to Exascale Computing

Exascale computing is ultra-powerful supercomputing with systems capable of…

Practical Guide to High Performance Computing: Hartree Centre Driving License

Access to more powerful computing resource can increase productivity, improve quality, speed up innovation, and reduce time to market. Aimed at intermediate learners, this free technical workshop will show you how to speed up your calculations with…

Fundamentals of Parallel Computing: Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP

Do you have existing company or research codes that need scaling up for use on supercomputing platforms, or old codes that need updating for newer systems? Aimed at Independent Users, this course will teach you how to parallelise your company’s…

Fundamentals of Performance Analysis

Have you ported your applications to supercomputer systems and they do not perform as well as you expected? Do you want to know which sections of the application are limiting the code performance?Performance analysis tools help software developers…

Fundamentals of Exascale Computing: Parallel Programming with SYCL and Kokkos

What is Exascale Computing and how can software engineers prepare their codes for these upcoming systems? Aimed at independent users, this one day course will present portable programming models for heterogeneous computer architectures…

Software Engineering

Beginner's Guide to Cloud for Industry

This self-paced course will guide you through what cloud computing is in plain, accessible language. We’ll cover the different offerings available from the main cloud vendors, current and future trends, and the pros and cons of hosting applications…

Beginner's Guide to Data Visualisation

Are you interested in how computer graphics, visual computing and interactive techniques for the processing, analysis and rendering of visual information can be used in your business?   This self-paced course aims to introduce…

Practical Guide to IoT

Aimed at Intermediate Learners, this course will give a high-level overview of the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT). It will start with the basics, answering the question ‘What is IoT?’, as well as addressing the common misconceptions that come…

Practical Guide to Software-as-a-Service: Deploying and Testing SaaS Applications

Aimed at intermediate leaners, this self-paced course will guide you through how to build a basic application and share industry-leading Twelve Factor App best practices along the way. Using a blend of focused talks and practical sessions, we will…

Practical Guide to Data Engineering

Navigating the variety of solutions in the data engineering space can be overwhelming. There are many choices that cover a wide variety of use-cases depending on the volume, variability and velocity of your data, and the technical language and claims…

Practical Guide to Cloud Computing: Onboarding with Azure

Aimed at intermediate learners, this course gives you the opportunity to secure the knowledge learned in the Beginner’s Guide to Cloud for Industry with a practical hands-on tutorial led by experts. You will implement the theory you have previously…

Practical Guide to Programming in Rust

Do you want to add another programming language under your belt? Are you looking for ways that could optimise your scientific code or your REST API? Using a language such as Rust may be the answer you’re looking for. Officially included as one of…

Fundamentals of Data Analysis Workflows: Using Workflows and Pipelines in Industry

Do you wish to know more about data analysis workflows and their…

Fundamentals of Cloud Computing: Introduction to Docker and GitHub Actions for ML Apps

Aimed at Independent Users, this course will take you through the full lifecycle of “model to service”, starting off with an open-source language model and going through the steps to wrap it up and deploy it to the cloud as a self-contained…

Hartree Centre Staff


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